Spamjadoo is the only antispam product that actively discourages spammers. Our ESP technology spreads a privacy layer around your mailbox that results in spammers taking you off their database and the amount of spam targeted at you reducing with time.. Other anti-spam products check the mail AFTER receiving it – this encourages spammers to try harder, which results in more spam, more traffic, more server loadsThe multiple checks that are run includes DHA, SPF, SMTP Auth, reverse DNS, blacklist/white list check, Senders Domain MX check, Blocking of specific attachments, and many more along with its proprietary ways to stop spam.
EmailSpam Block is the simple, yet effective solution SpamJadoo uses the revolutionary ESP(Eliminate Spam at Protocol level) technology to build an unbreakable, fool-proof privacy layer around your mailbox. Now, only people you permit can send you e-mail.Based on extensive research and analysis on email protocols and the way spammers work, it offers a complete framework to eliminate spam at source – even before it is sent. It represents over 25 person years’ R&D efforts, and the results speak for themselves. Spamjadoo’s unique architecture achieves four crucial spam elimination goals in the most innovative and effective manner
Q2. How is this different and better than everything else out there? Ans. Spamjadoo is the only product that works at the SMTP protocol level, and hence can block spam even before it can be sent ! It is the only product that provides you the best of all worlds – you get no spam, you never lose a mail from a trusted sender, and you need to make virtually no effort.
Q3. Will this work with my email software like Outlook, Eudora or Entourage? Ans. YES! SPAMJadoo works with ANY email client because it runs at the mail server level which also means that you don’t have to install any software on your PC.
Q4. What is a JMail box? Ans. It's a virtual email box that looks and works like any other mailbox, except that you decide how it can be used by assigning rules to it.
Q5. How does it work? Ans. A JMail address is a rule bound email address which lets you make rules on who can send you email. Any sender that violates your rules is not allowed to send email to you.
Q6. Is a JMail account complicated to use? Ans. Not at all. You just use email the way you normally do. Except you can create different JMail addresses. And give these out when you need to, for example when a Web site asks for your address. Now you're in control.
Q7. How does it prevent companies from selling my email address? Ans. It doesn't prevent them from selling your address, but it makes your JMail address worthless to the company that paid for it. This is because you can create a JMail and specify as it rule : "this can be only used by the company I give it to". And it won't work for any company that violates that rule.
Q8. How does SPAMJadoo know if someone is violating my conditions or not? Ans. JMail addresses are smart as their usage is tracked by a database and anyone that uses the email address, is compared against those that have already used it. Your policies are applied against this collection to determine whether or not the email should be accepted.
Q9. What can I do if I start getting unwanted email? Ans. That's really up to you. Lets say for instance you subscribed to a newsletter that did not respect your subsequent request to unsubscribe. All you do then is simply disable that JMail and they are gone. If that JMail is being used by many other people or company that you don't want to affect, you can just disable the JMail for that one company. If you created a "wide open" JMail, you can just lock it, and the people that used it can continue to use it, but no one else can.
Q10. How do I protect my existing email address? Ans. You decide and can change your mind anytime. If you have an old email address that gets a lot of spam, you can request that anyone you don't know first prove they are person and not a mass-email program before they can send you mail. If you have a new email address that does not get spam but you want to protect yourself against future spam and unwanted email, you can continue using your regular email address alongside new JMail addresses you create for various reasons.
Q11. Why is this better than aliases or "disposable" email addresses? Ans. You can't assign a usage policy to an alias. Aliases don't enforce your policy by bouncing violating email. You can't stop someone from using an alias. But you can do all these things with a JMail address. The problem with disposable addresses is that the only thing you can do is dispose them. And when you do that, you stop getting all the good email that is normally sent to that address ! You can use a JMail address just like a disposable, except that when it gets tainted you don't have to dispose it off. In fact, you continue controlling who can use it, when, and how, via policies. This means that if a JMailbox starts getting unwanted mail, you can lock it down and stop unwanted mail yet continue receiving mails from senders you trust.
Q12. How do I subscribe to newsletters and order confirmations? Ans. Easy. Just provide a JMailbox address to the newsletter or ecommerce web site – if you want to use a new Jmail address, first create it using the web dashboard interface. Newsletters and order confirmations flow straight to your inbox. You don't have to know their email address in advance or anything.